Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to college. For the past half year, you’ve thoroughly edited your applications and waited, with anticipation for the response. Finally, you’ve gotten in; it was worth it.But what do you do now?
How to see the Cherry Blossoms in Washington DC
TRAVEL TIP: It is possible to see the famous cherry blossoms in DC in 24 hours traveling from NYC for around $30 roundtrip! Find out how!
Five Things You Must Do in Austin During SXSW
Every year in March, my current hometown of Austin, Texas gets invaded by two things: glorious spring weather and SXSW, the iconic film, music and interactive festival that hijacks the city for eight days every year. If you’re heading to Austin for the first time, here are five things you MUST do:
International Women’s Day And What It Means To Be a Woman Traveler
International Women’s Day on March 8th is not owned or run by one specific feminist or group but is all about collective human rights as Gloria Steinem says. On this day we commemorate all the beautiful souls and brave women who are not afraid to travel outside their comfort zone, lift other women up along the way and fight for all rights. We asked you, our Ambassadors, our fellow travelers: “what do you think of when you think of a woman traveler?”
Luxury Hotel Series: Library Hotel
The first hotel featured in our Luxury Hotel Series is a book-lovers paradise located just steps away from the New York Public Library in Midtown Manhattan.
10 Packing Hacks You Need to Know
Save space for souvenirs with these fun packing hacks!
Top 10 Things To Do in Iceland
Iceland is an island of lush green landscapes, bubbling geysers, black volcanic beaches and thundering waterfalls.