It’s that wonderful time of year where everyone comes to work on Friday with a duffel bag, ready to book it to the beach after lunchtime and soak up as much sun and sand as possible before Monday rolls around.
What to Wear on a Harrison’s Cave Eco-Adventure Tour
Harrison’s Cave has two types of tours: a tram tour for tourists to see the cave from the convenience of a tram, no specific attire required and an adventure tour which requires another level of preparation and exploration. The eco-adventure tour is completely worth it, but since it is a very unique experience many are not sure what to wear so here is everything you need to know about what to wear.
11 Best Places to Visit in Hawaii
Hawaii is well known for its beauty. Pristine beaches dot the coastline, dense greenery fills the middles, and staggering peaks rise up every so often in between. Even so, there are some places in the Hawaiian Islands that are more beautiful than others, and here are a few of them…
The Most Instagrammed Hotels in the World
The 10 most Instagrammed hotels are all based in top party destinations with five out of the top ten located in Las Vegas! They are over the top and set records like the largest single hotel in the U.S. (MGM Grand) or the largest casino in the world (not in Las Vegas).
Interview with Monica Houghton
“I’ve actually met more solo female travelers on the road than I have male.” Hear Monica’s thoughts on solo travel, minimalist souvenirs and more!
Most Instagrammable Restaurants in NYC
Restaurants in NYC, Manhattan specifically, have the most expensive rent per square foot and most expensive cost of food in the U.S., but if successful they often catapult food trends worldwide.1 Shake Shack for example started as a hotdog stand in Madison Square Park but now has expanded to over 100 locations in about 10 years.2 The cliché “If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere” is pretty accurate considering that 80% of NYC restaurants fail within five years of opening.3 Considering the competition NYC restaurants need more than just delicious food but in today’s visual foodie world need to also create an aesthetically pleasing experience. Here are some of our favorite and most Instagrammable restaurants in NYC.
Interview with Meleena Bowers
Learn more about Meleena Bowers, Senior Editor at The Travel Women