Rareform Backpack

I am currently obsessed with Rareform bags. A practical yet pretty product with a purpose is exactly my style. Billboards that usually take up space in landfills are repurposed to create each bag or accessory. They started with surfboard bags and have expanded to backpacks, wallets and even iPhone cases. The material is heavy-duty vinyl which…

Hello world!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce scelerisque iaculis libero, ac pellentesque mi fermentum vitae. Donec ipsum tellus, dapibus at blandit sed, iaculis quis est. Maecenas luctus facilisis lacus, et aliquet arcu cursus vitae. Nulla dolor erat, iaculis in gravida quis, pellentesque sed tortor. Aliquam varius euismod orci venenatis tincidunt. Interdum et malesuada…

Earth Day New York Instameet WWIM13NY with Travel Plus Social Good at the Bronx Zoo

It’s almost Worldwide InstaMeet 13 Weekend and we are hosting our first instameet at the Bronx Zoo with Travel+SocialGood. Join us on Earth Day, April 22 @BronxZoo to explore and take photos together. The tour will focus on conservation efforts and environmental education. All attendees will be given: – Free entrance to the Bronx Zoo –…